posted ago by TheOutlaw ago by TheOutlaw +88 / -1

The game has been an anti-consumer dumpster fire from the beginning. I didn't buy it due to it lacking an open world, and EA has gone out of their way to repeatedly validate that decision. It wasn't enough to add faggots and trannies. Now they're adding polytard shit. They're also fucking up a romance system that worked perfectly fine in 3:

One of the new features in The Sims 4: Lovestruck is that Sims may not necessarily be attracted to your character in return and will very clearly inform you if they prefer to remain friends.

Just fucking perfect. There goes the story telling aspect. Now the game is hard coding whether two Sims can be attracted, and combined with the sexual orientation nonsense it will be easier to create a faggot with 10 different butt buddies than make a straight male and find him a wife to start a family. They'll probably make the straight male Sim an incel and push him towards dating a troon or getting spitroasted by other dudes. Fuck this game and fuck EA. They almost got me to reconsider this dumpster fire with their farming EP, but I just couldn't justify it with all the fag and tranny shit the game is infested with. My instincts were sadly correct.

Also here's a bonus article where a retard games urinalist confirms what we've all known for a decade: TS3 blows TS4 out of the water. The grifting hacks have added so much DLC to 4 that they've wiped out the performance advantage it had over 3.