posted ago by misogynegro ago by misogynegro +22 / -2

Propaganda is an attempt to persuade the audience to see things from your point of view. And propaganda is a legitimate art form, with the best propaganda not even coming across as propaganda. But proglodyte slop doesn't even attempt to persuade anyone, it's only aimed at preaching to the choir.

So calling that slop "propaganda" is simply giving it way too much credit. One of the things that art and entertainment is supposed to be good for is getting people to consider points of view they'd otherwise dismiss, what with the mark of an educated mind being the ability to entertain an idea without accepting it. I'll even admit that the Soviets managed to put out some good propaganda in their day, and it's saying something when proglodyte slop is so utterly rancid and lacking in even the most superficial merit that it makes old-school commie propaganda seem refreshing by comparison.