posted ago by Lethn ago by Lethn +25 / -1


Credit where it's due, it looks like this guy actually investigated the botting behaviour on steam. We'll soon see now whether Valve really does give a shit about even maintaining the facade of legitimacy on their platform or they're just going to let some shitty idle clicker game being botted on to exploit the steam market run it's course.

Even the dev themselves admitted it's basically a load of bullshit and he's just doing it to generate money. I mean you've got to respect the exploit, but it is an exploit at the end of the day. This is why you can't even trust the stats on steam anymore, pretty much guaranteed that most of the 'players' on all of the platforms are bots and alt. accounts farming various in-game items through playtime rather than playing the game normally.

Realistically it potentially means if you want to see what games people are actually playing it's probably going to be a bit further down the list.

The game is a money printer. After enough clicking you will earn banana “skins” in the game, and because of the ability to sell those a-la-Counterstrike, you can earn actual money just from those clicks. While most skins might sell for three cents, some prices have increased to dozens or even hundreds of dollars. The record right now appears to be $1,345.

lol no wonder people are trying to exploit it, the steam market is completely retarded.