posted ago by QLFOU ago by QLFOU +34 / -2

The link has been deleted in the screenshot so as not to give clicks to this oddball. https://i.imgur.com/j6vF3Gd.png

This is what he declared "This is the thing right, and I'm not at all coming at you specifically, but clearly, the game is reviewing well. I wanted to ensure in my review to dock significant points for the objectifying BS specifically because I knew the industry at large, even if they do mention it as a negative element in their review, would still let it slip by with 8/10's. What lessons do we expect developers to learn if they're not held to account for this stuff? How else do we hold them to account beyond not buying the game I suppose." https://i.imgur.com/WMLwLOP.png

He is overestemating his importance. Metacritic has completely ignored his review.