This was posted over at Ace of Spades blog, and is a comprehensive debunking of warmista dogma. Some bullet points:
The world has historically been much warmer than it is now. We are at a near-historically cold period and just emerging from an ice-age.
CO2, which is the trigger causing global warming according to the alarmists, is low by historical standards, and dangerously close to the low level that causes a die-off of life on Earth, because CO2 = plant food = life.
In the past when the Earth was much warmer, CO2 levels were much higher, indicating that higher temperatures cause an increase in CO2, not the reverse.
The post-war cooling period that precipitated the “New Ice Age” panic of the 1970s occurred despite rising man-made CO2 after WWII.
Outside of increasing temperatures in urban areas due to the urban heat island effect, there is virtually no change in temperature records at stations located in rural areas over the past century. Satellite and ocean temperature records don’t corroborate the rising temperatures found in cities.
There are no increases in “extreme weather” events. That is simply fear-mongering hyperbole.
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Michael Mann presented his flawed hockey stick graph to Congress while I was in high school, and my initial reaction to the proclamations of the warmistas in the 1990s was always to doubt what they said due to their proscribed solutions (communism) to the problem of AGW. The rise of the internet has allowed me to see how flawed AGW is as a hypothesis, as every bit of the underlying data supporting their hypothesis was shown to be erroneous, and more importantly to me was how extreme the reaction was to those pointing out these errors. Any scientific hypothesis that has to be defended with personal attacks, censorship, and career destruction has achieved dogma status, and once the "consensus" narrative was put forth I knew that AGW had achieved cult status.