The English are gay. Can we just agree? Seen those videos (there are hundreds) of some cop harassing some random over some pre-school level offense like calling someone a name or racial slur? Or that recent one of the pianist being asked to stop filming some Chinese tourists and a cop harassed HIM. And when these cops are questioned about why they just provide some circular, non sensual reasoning about why your being detained for naming your WiFi network "white pride" or something harmless. And white girls are routinely raped by Pakistanis and yet the British men have yet to form their own KKK style lunch mob and get justice. Complete fucking pussies.
The English are gay. Can we just agree? Seen those videos (there are hundreds) of some cop harassing some random over some pre-school level offense like calling someone a name or racial slur? Or that recent one of the pianist being asked to stop filming some Chinese tourists and a cop harassed HIM. And when these cops are questioned about why they just provide some circular, non sensual reasoning about why your being detained for naming your WiFi network "white pride" or something harmless. And white girls are routinely raped by Pakistanis and yet the British men have yet to form their own KKK style lunch mob and get justice. Complete fucking pussies.