If yall aren’t aware there was a recent interview Chuck Dixon did where they were talking about comics and the guy mentioned pandering to a female audience has been one of the things that have ruined comics. Third wave feminism to be exact. Dixon talked about his girls used to read comics like Archie, Little Lulu, romance comics, etc. He then mentioned that his sisters read Green Lantern because they thought Hal Jordan was cute (I can’t judge because I had every cd and now every album of Fiona Apple downloaded because I thought she was beautiful).
Some people took that to mean “see girls read comics” when he was essentially saying that if you make comics that cater to what girls/women like you can sell to them. Manga has proved this along with countless YA novels. For whatever reason Superhero comics and Sci-Fi don’t appeal to women in large numbers but that doesn’t seem to stop the IPs from sunken costs.
TBF I found Fiona Apple very attractive until I heard her talk for the first time. My theory is that comics are just a means to hold the trademarks for movies. Operating at a loss is cheaper over time.
Ok, so I’m not the only one. I briefly heard her spouting the usually lefty talking points so I turned it off and let myself imagine otherwise. lol.
That’s pretty much it. Sucks because even when comics had other issues they had good stories.
For me it wasn’t the politics, it was the diction of her speech. No well adjusted non-nuts woman talks that way.
She also didn’t help herself with that idiotic “we don’t need a white man being movie critics” speech