I’m still very much a normie with 40k but I want to get into the lore before the show comes out. Unfortunately it’s not like LOTR, Wheel of Time, Ice and Fire, etc where I can buy a series of books and start on book one. I’ll see what books are a good starting point and I’m sure there are some YouTubers that can give lore insight that I can listen to on my walks. I have like 40 books to read in my immediate stack so I’ll hold off on any of the books until I can knock those out.
With the show coming I’m wondering if the usual suspects have tried to latch onto the IP or have the fans gate kept it pretty well?
I would suggest this video as a starting point. It deals with humanity and the Emperor of Man in 40k. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KyPjE1Sn-Ts&pp=ygUXbHVldGluMDkgZW1wZXJvciBvZiBtYW4%3D
It's the first in a series and the channel does a good job discussing lore and the various characters in the setting. After the suggested video just watch whatever catches your interest.