And he was never charged or tried for war crimes, because he won.
Pragmatic definitions are definitions derived from observing how the word is applied by people with power, authority, or influence. The only "War Crime" is "Losing the War."
You can assert that things violated standards, and that those standards are good. But appealing to them being international treatises is meaningless, because the only people who can afford sanctions are superpowers.
True. Absolutely horrible person.
And he was never charged or tried for war crimes, because he won.
Pragmatic definitions are definitions derived from observing how the word is applied by people with power, authority, or influence. The only "War Crime" is "Losing the War."
They only apply to people who lose wars, because rules are applied by people with power.
You can assert that things violated standards, and that those standards are good. But appealing to them being international treatises is meaningless, because the only people who can afford sanctions are superpowers.