Been looking at getting some new games or grabbing some older games to play. Got a Switch, Xbox One and gaming laptop. Figured might as well make a gaming post since it's been a while since this site has had one.
Is the First Descendant any good? How about the World War Z video game? I heard that one was a lot like Left 4 Dead. Also, any good beat em ups coming out soon?
World War Z was... okay? In coop anyway. It's at least not the worst example of a stereotypical Unreal 4 3rd person shooter. Unfortunately, it's still a stereotypical Unreal 4 3rd person shooter.
So it does not recreate the Left 4 Dead magic?
I could not fathomably compare it to Left 4 Dead in any regard other than for that it also happens to be set in a zombie apocalypse. Nothing about the gameplay or format is really similar at all.
Unless you somehow had the game confused with Back 4 Blood?
No, no one has said anything good about Back 4 Blood. I heard comparisons between World War Z and Left 4 Dead. Sounds like it is just the 4 person team zombie shooter format not anything special.
Ah, okay. Just thought I'd check to be sure.
And yeah, I've not heard many positive things about Back 4 Blood either.