Note: This isn't a diatribe against female comedians
There are some types of pervasive comedy that baffle me as much as internet memes do to the Silent Generation. Lousy Sunday morning cartoons along with their sibling; boomer political cartoons. Modern talk show hosts too, with what Ben Shapiro called 'Clauphter', which is comedians making statements to be agreed with rather than jokes .
A related form of subjective humor I haven't seen get much scrutiny is where the punchline is swapped with an emotional outburst, common with ordinary women. Example #1 (contrast with a similar Seinfeld scene) Example #2 . The comic would be fine if the emotive first-person narration was replaced with some gonzo journalism. There doesn't have to be some wordy technical breakdown[1]; those are just the two examples that came to the top of my head.
This could be stretched to include the demeanor of low IQ, neurotypical hoodrats (Ex: Onlyusemeblade occasionally did this shit way before he pimped out his alcholism); contrast with 50 Cent's Icebucket challenge). All style and social posturing/groveling, no meat and potatoes. Weirdos who compulsively monologue other peoples' and animals' actions fall into this category, think the "Honey-Badger don't give a fuck" video but without that dude's flair. Basic-bitch subjectivity and everyday social maneuvering is a zero-sum game, while objectivity is baking another pie.
Edit 1: Is anyone aware of a person or publication that critiques this 'quirky adult humor' of modern entertainment, as seen in my first example clip? The third answer on this arbritrary search result at least notices the general phenomenon of narcissistic "humour".
\1. Wordiness, however, is notoriously common with lefty memes
Agreed, poor Imp is over on Patriots in a thread about conservatives winning in Switzerland, saying that the reason conservatives in Poland lost their election was because of women, and the best we can do here is be polite and avoid a diatribe?
the conservatives in Poland didn't lose, per se. The previous ruling party still got the largest share of the vote, but a plurality of other parties had enough to form a coalition which can just barely form a government. This coaltion is made up of mutually exclusive parties who hate each other and they are already fighting, so don't expect anything to get done around here.
Plus the libertarian "we hate everything" party increased their share of the vote and is set to be king-maker for the coming 4 years if the ruling coalition doesn't implode withing the first year.
We've got to one-up .5KiA somehow.