I truly hope she has realized how she helped cause the destruction of the industry. I love the Hearher Antos clip of “if you don’t like my politics, don’t buy my book” only to talk about years later how comic book shops are closing and the industry is hurting.
Gail Simone annoys me because she was the one to whine about “fridging” and acted as if no stories existed where a woman seeks to avenge the death of a husband, boyfriend, brother, father, etc. I think she also shares some blame for the agenda of crapping on male fans and pushing women into comics despite the data showing they don’t have the same interest level as males. They could’ve very easily made some comic book like Twilight to appeal to a female audience.
Anyway, I hope she has truly learned her lesson.
I agree with what you're saying about Whale Simone. Minor mistake, the "if you dont like my comics..." clip is from Kelly Sue Deconnick (if you mean the fake redhead) Simone most certainly Twitter dogpiled on every creator that she felt stood in her way to more gigs. Unpersoning and canceling along with the rest of the NPC mafia.
Heather Antos is the queen of whisper networks and bad editing. Her claim to fame is weaponing the 'milkshake girls' meme and riding that to editorial jobs, while pillorying anyone to the right of Mao in comics with #metoo adjacent shit. This year complaining how poorly comics treats writers and artists, obscuring the fact that she is the one who writes the checks to freelance/contracts, perpetuating the shit rates and fees.
Thanks! I got those two mixed up.