If you're in the US and have a Crunchyroll subscription, you can file a claim and get $30 for this in damages (which I know why bother but may as well)
Sony are idiots when they should just do the Amazon prime model of integrating Crunchyroll with PS+ instead of shady shit like this. Stick to the high seas as it's safer than trusting these idiots with your info.
If you're in the US and have a Crunchyroll subscription, you can file a claim and get $30 for this in damages (which I know why bother but may as well)
Sony are idiots when they should just do the Amazon prime model of integrating Crunchyroll with PS+ instead of shady shit like this. Stick to the high seas as it's safer than trusting these idiots with your info.
So free accounts weren't affected? Haven't logged into Crunchy in a long while and this is news to me.
I mean if you happen to be American, try to claim the $30 even if it is a free account, fuck'em.