posted ago by bamboozler1 ago by bamboozler1 +22 / -0

The church is one of the more (supposedly) "conservative" Anglican churches in this dumb fucking city. It was given by a woman from the "Centre for Public Christianity", which, I have established, is some sort of "Christian think tank" in this country...

It was utterly, utterly shit. Biggest turnout this church has had in decades, all for this woman to lecture us about how "Akshually, spiituality is the new religion, and Zoomers believe in ghosts, which is like, totally just as good as Jesus and going to church, ya know?"

Half of it was "statistics", and quotes from various shitty "eco-wiccan" authors and other "spiritualists". You could have taken the "Christianity" out of it, and it would have easily passed for a TED talk, or any "insert religion here" "look how woke we are" type speech...

It was horrible.

But the worst was the Q&A session afterwards. Questions were submitted through an app, and were then "voted on for popularity", before the extremely woke rector/host then selected which ones to ask...

None of the chosen questions were "hard hitting". Not one. Instead, they were around "belief in ghosts", "how can the Church atone for its historical sins?" and, "How can the Church claim to want to bring more people in, when it has historically excluded groups such as teh gayzzz?"

No joke.

So then I stuck around for the "discussion session" afterwards, which included free alcohol and snacks (yes, I know), where I was then simultaneously guilted for "Not believing with adequate conviction" and "Not knowing the Church well enough" (by a recently ordained black woman "priest", who I think was also married, because insanity), and then told that "The culture war doesn't exist", and that "Conservative media, such as the Spectator (which I link here all the time) are mean-spirited and smug and bigoted, and if you read them, you must be, too!", by this stupid bitch who gave this lecture...

By this point, almost all the attractive and not-insane young'ns (there were a few, initially) had left, so I decided to fuck off, too. Only to be chased down the street by some psycho old woman who accused me of trying to steal her car, from a nearby house (I'm not black. This is not a regular occurrence. She was just insane. So I just swore at her until she stopped following me, ahaha)... Really capped off my night. A+.

Anyway... For fuck's sake, Anglicanism. This is how you want to stay "relevant" and attract people to your "broad Church".

No wonder it's haemorrhaging people faster than almost any other religious "group". What. A. Joke...