posted ago by FatalConceit ago by FatalConceit +16 / -5

Novelty theory is an idea conceived and promoted by Terence McKenna, a psychedelic explorer and visionary, who claimed that the universe is not a random and chaotic place, but rather a structured and creative process that generates increasing levels of complexity and novelty over time.

According to McKenna, novelty is the degree of difference or uniqueness that something has compared to what came before it. Novelty can be found in nature, culture, art, technology, and human consciousness. Novelty theory proposes that novelty increases exponentially as time progresses, reaching a point of infinite novelty at the end of time.

McKenna based his theory on a mathematical analysis of the I Ching, an ancient Chinese book of divination that uses 64 hexagrams to represent the patterns of change in the cosmos. He claimed that the I Ching reveals a hidden fractal structure of time that can be used to predict the occurrence of major events in history and the future. He also associated his theory with the Maya calendar, which ends on December 21, 2012, suggesting that this date marks the culmination of novelty and the transition to a new mode of existence. I think that date marked the start of the current age shift.

One of the implications of novelty theory is that we are living in a time of unprecedented change and transformation, where new possibilities and challenges emerge every day. McKenna believed that this is especially true in light of the development of artificial intelligence, which he saw as a potential catalyst for a radical shift in consciousness and reality. He argued that AI could either be a threat or an ally for humanity, depending on how we interact with it and what values we instill in it.

What do you think about novelty theory? Have you noticed an increase of novelty in your own life and in the world around you? How do you cope with the accelerating pace of change? What role do you think AI will play in the evolution of novelty?