In fact, there won’t be an official Pride Month celebration in St. Cloud this year at all. A festival scheduled for June 10 was canceled last month by its primary organizer, who cited a “climate of fear” and hostility toward LGBTQ people in a post on Facebook.
Good. Evil degenerates SHOULD live in constant terror for their lives. I dream, I hope, I pray that the alphabet soup genocide these fucks whine is always around the corner actually gets rolling someday soon. Letting the freaks out of the closet was society's first mistake, as we've seen if you give wickedness an inch and soon they'll have crossed the mile to castrating and raping your children.
Good. Evil degenerates SHOULD live in constant terror for their lives. I dream, I hope, I pray that the alphabet soup genocide these fucks whine is always around the corner actually gets rolling someday soon. Letting the freaks out of the closet was society's first mistake, as we've seen if you give wickedness an inch and soon they'll have crossed the mile to castrating and raping your children.