I've already mostly switched to Linux. Technically it's a dual boot with Windows 10 because there are just some games/mods that I can't get to work in Linux...but I physically remove my ethernet cable when I boot into Windows 10.
That's how paranoid Microsoft has made me with their shit.
Just reminder that "interlinked" mods can be a massive pain in the ass, thanks to how wine/proton "emulates" a "C:" partiton. - also, have fun trying to get the Fallout 4 Script Extendor to run.
I've already mostly switched to Linux. Technically it's a dual boot with Windows 10 because there are just some games/mods that I can't get to work in Linux...but I physically remove my ethernet cable when I boot into Windows 10.
That's how paranoid Microsoft has made me with their shit.
did you already tried to " bootstrap" your mods with https://usebottles.com ? Thats how i got most of my mods running.
Nope, I'd never heard of that. Thanks, I'll give it a shot!
Just reminder that "interlinked" mods can be a massive pain in the ass, thanks to how wine/proton "emulates" a "C:" partiton. - also, have fun trying to get the Fallout 4 Script Extendor to run.