If they could just make a simple argument about “here’s why there was educational or social value in showing this movie,” people could engage with it and debate if necessary. But leftists always take things three steps further than necessary, probably because their main positions are indefensible in a liberal (old definition) society. “I don’t have to make an argument for why I showed the movie because YOU HAVE NO FUCKING RIGHTS YOUR KIDS ARE MINE, ALL MINE HAHAHAHA!!!” And they say everyone else uses systems and structures to s few with THEM..,
If they could just make a simple argument about “here’s why there was educational or social value in showing this movie,” people could engage with it and debate if necessary. But leftists always take things three steps further than necessary, probably because their main positions are indefensible in a liberal (old definition) society. “I don’t have to make an argument for why I showed the movie because YOU HAVE NO FUCKING RIGHTS YOUR KIDS ARE MINE, ALL MINE HAHAHAHA!!!” And they say everyone else uses systems and structures to s few with THEM..,
It's not even a Motte and Baily anymore.