It doesn't feel like Mario at all. It feels like every hollywood cliche with mario paint slapped on it. and of course they made Peach a "le strong and independent" hollywood feminist cliche she practically has the complete opposite personality as the games, instead she's just another hollywood feminist cliche. And Mario seems to be as the victim of "slapstick jokes" to laugh at. Everything is just so hollywood
Also they couldn't even get any of the voices of the characters right
Eh. It seems pretty mid. I'll reserve judgement till it comes out.
I'm of the opinion that if they wanted to do an action girl, they should have brought in Daisy, have her be super competent athletically, dumber than a hammer, and an all around complete doofus. It would have satisfied their need for an action girl, limited her in such a way that she doesn't outshine the lead, and in character with the (largely fan assigned ) personality people expect her to have.
Peach doesn't have much of a personality in the main games, but we do know her first reaction to danger should be either "Oh, my!" Or to yell Mario's name. And to basically always act as a princess.
I dunno. I stand by that I think it looks mid. Nothing Amazing, but nothing irredeemable either. Just a fun kids movie that's slightly on the generic side other than being packed with Nintendo references.