My only message to the jackasses bashing me over my hatred of tradcons is to remind everyone that people like torba are the reason for the various pre 2000's moral panics regarding media violence and obsenity, with notable examples being the "crime comics" moral panic that was promoted by a quack via his book that resulted in the great assrape of the western comic books industry, and the 1980's-2010 violent media moral panics which frequently involved videogames.
People who get inspired by media to commit horrific acts are probably going to do them anyway without media influence, such as a sexual predator who gets inspired by rape pornography to go out and rape people for example. The only proper response to the issue is to remove dangerous mental cases from the genepool instead of trying to restict society to control them while fucking over everyone else.
My only message to the jackasses bashing me over my hatred of tradcons is to remind everyone that people like torba are the reason for the various pre 2000's moral panics regarding media violence and obsenity, with notable examples being the "crime comics" moral panic that was promoted by a quack via his book that resulted in the great assrape of the western comic books industry, and the 1980's-2010 violent media moral panics which frequently involved videogames.
….and it turned out they were correct.
People who get inspired by media to commit horrific acts are probably going to do them anyway without media influence, such as a sexual predator who gets inspired by rape pornography to go out and rape people for example. The only proper response to the issue is to remove dangerous mental cases from the genepool instead of trying to restict society to control them while fucking over everyone else.