Okay, so next up is some good Hack & Slash games that you played this year. Be sure to let us know if you've got any good videos of watch of some playthroughs, and if it's on sale anywhere.
As was previously shown to me we can use this to check on deals: https://isthereanydeal.com/
And how about the Most Aggressive Propaganda? I feel like this might end up including the Trump Raid, the Balenciaga Scandal, the fact that the G-Word has been banned because certain big tech oligarchs support bad things to children, the attempts to cover over the Loudon County rapes, attempts to distract from the Twitter Files, and of course: the all-sides propaganda round the Ukraine War
Got any links to places selling it? Any video walkthroughs to demo?
Awesome, thanks!
Book of Demons is one of my absolute favorite hidden gems of the past few years and put enough hours in to buy their "all 9 games we intend to make" pack just to support them. And that's without even touching the non-warrior classes.
Truly a unique idea of a game that worked out exactly as it should. I can even forgive their anti-Russian faggotry this year because they are Polish and have far more reason to make such a statement.