posted ago by Unknownsailor ago by Unknownsailor +21 / -0

Sundance over at CTH has said many times that the election of Trump put trillions at stake (see my headline.)

Read this article by the Federalist, and really think about the underlying baseline assumptions that the writer is discussing. That funding bill is 1 and a quarter trillion dollars. The GOP establishment and the Democrats are striking their usual sort of deal, and all of us will have to pay for.

If you ever wondered why the entire D.C. establishment conspired against Trump from the moment he descended the escalator, there is your motivation, spelled out in this article for all to see. Trump was an outsider, and threatened to overturn this apple cart of comfortable sinecures.

Unfortunately, Trump has thus far proven unworthy of this moment in history, but even so, he is still the only hope we currently have.