posted ago by Ahaus667 ago by Ahaus667 +17 / -1

I just wanted to make a separate post to get recommendations for the 5 weekends of October. I personally suggest Noroi for Asian/ supernatural horror, however what has come to my attention is the love for the broad depth of categories that horror provides so with Noroi in contention for supernatural I want to present 5 horror categories as we have five October Saturdays.

The categories will be as follows: 1. Zombies 2.supernatural/ ghosts 3. Slasher 4. Haunted house and 5. Creature feature.

Pick your best and the highest voted in each category will be the main picks, however I will make an honorable mentions list after the main picks. Great mentions so far are- The Thing, Event Horizon, Evil Dead, ReAnimator, Living Dead (multiple), personal recommendations are tale of two sisters, Noroi, sleep away camp, Friday the 13th part 2, tucker and dale versus evil, and the original Halloween (Halloween 3 is also a gem)