^Title, fuck the bastards they deserve what is coming.
Basically the reprisals I was interested in include breaking up companies and handing out nasty fines.
Most of these companies will not survive this due to arrests of globalist conspirators though, such as Epic Games due to Tim Sweeny as is generally believed to be one of those bastards, the seizure of PRC stocks will not help either. So yeah if you are a fan of Epic IP's then you should pretty much accept the franchises are fucked.
If DC and Marvel go under it will be no real loss due to a massive politically biased writing decline and the fact the franchises became stale.
The NWO is in full control in the White House and nothing is going to change that, no matter what token D or R tool the globalist uniparty inserts.
The pedal is to the metal to destroy the country. That's why they are doing so many ridiculous off-the-rails things. They don't care because they don't have to anymore.