And when you accidentally forget to comply with accepting your regular Over-the-Air update to your GoodThink:tm:, your subscription to your daily 3 meals of Ze Boogz will be revoked, you'll be evicted from your pod, and you will be doomed to skulk through the lower sewer levels of a giant megastructure with impenetrably thick walls that would make any prison jealous.
And if you somehow manage to break through from the sunlight starved midden that runs the gutter of The Line, you'll find yourself in the middle of a desert wasteland, with no transport, no drinkable water, and no shelter, all because your thoughts and opinions couldn't keep up fast enough with the $current_yearday narrative.
And when you accidentally forget to comply with accepting your regular Over-the-Air update to your GoodThink:tm:, your subscription to your daily 3 meals of Ze Boogz will be revoked, you'll be evicted from your pod, and you will be doomed to skulk through the lower sewer levels of a giant megastructure with impenetrably thick walls that would make any prison jealous.
And if you somehow manage to break through from the sunlight starved midden that runs the gutter of The Line, you'll find yourself in the middle of a desert wasteland, with no transport, no drinkable water, and no shelter, all because your thoughts and opinions couldn't keep up fast enough with the $current_
yearday narrative.