Found this when coming by chance upon an disturbing image of a Russian soldier hanged in a forest and doing a reverse search to find out more.
Actually nade me stop and reflect about both the issue and myself, just like I think sometimes about when someone back on /r/CombatFootage few years back called me a "well known Polish Nazi".
MEMRI TV is literally to the Palestinians and Iran what the ADL and SPLC are to White Nationalists. For some reason, it looks like they've just taken to reporting on WNs and forgot all about the Muslims.
Earlier this year, they took a conversation on Iranian television decrying Europe's low birth rate and called that 'hate'. Because believing that White people should have more children is 'hate'? Why would you even share anything from this propaganda site?
May the fleas of a thousand camels be upon MEMRI TV.
Yep, just have a look at MEMRI's board of advisors and directors.