It's easy to get angry or depressed, especially when you're dialed into politics, and lose sight of those little moments of joy that help us keep on going.
I'll share a recent example; Today at work, I was scanning barcodes for the frames we were about to scan (I work in the face framing department for a cabinet making company), I was looking at all of the base-type frames, which usually start with a "B" followed usually by a number. We have B42s, b60s, B20s, etc.
Suddenly, it hits me, and I turn to my coworker and say, "If I see any B-52s, I'm singing 'Love Shack.' " (for those who don't get the reference: )
we had a good chuckle and got back to work, but it made me snicker for a little bit after that.
This is what I mean, though. it's not a big event, just a small thing, but it's these moments that help us getting through, even when things look bleak...
Oh yeah you still gotta love life and laugh, but goddamn it's cathartic to scream. I'll call up my best buddy and we'll get drunk and absolutely scream about how much we hate Biden. Both of us feel a million times better afterwards.
Do what you can, mydude...
actually, how far away does your friend live?
why not take that energy and go clean up trash in your neighborhood? Two for one. You get to blow off steam, and you can help your community at the same time.
😂 can you imagine the blown head gaskets in the media when they try to spin "angry alt right white men clean up city" as a bad thing?
He lives nine hours away. I used to volunteer at foodbanks and do all that shit. All I ever did was help chain smoking black women with a half dozen ungrateful children in tow. Not a goddamned one of them could ever muster a thank you. They got free food, free clothing, and then government checks on the side. I'm done with it.
There's no trash where I live. We're all country folk who take care of our own.
well, in that case, you could always work on a contingency for the coming apocalypse...