Let’s blame everyone but the person who did it. Just wait for a weirdo who collects stamps to do something awful. Now everyone in that hobby is a radicalizing extremist .
This was the logical extension of all hwites are raycis. Now it's all men are sexist (spread beyond the SJW enclaves onto MSM tv) + all anons are insane like the fag in the OP is.
Here comes bidens disinformation faggot to censor everyone when 1 month ago they couldnt name a single hwite terrror attack. Its almost as if they plodded it along.
Let’s blame everyone but the person who did it. Just wait for a weirdo who collects stamps to do something awful. Now everyone in that hobby is a radicalizing extremist .
This was the logical extension of all hwites are raycis. Now it's all men are sexist (spread beyond the SJW enclaves onto MSM tv) + all anons are insane like the fag in the OP is.
Here comes bidens disinformation faggot to censor everyone when 1 month ago they couldnt name a single hwite terrror attack. Its almost as if they plodded it along.