Ghandi comes to mind.
I think it would be a wonderful idea.
- when asked what he thought about western civilization.
Groucho Marx - do I even gotta give an example?
Ghandi comes to mind.
I think it would be a wonderful idea.
Groucho Marx - do I even gotta give an example?
GK Chesterton, who was a bit fat, was once asked by a woman why he wasn't out at out the front in WW1, to which he replied, "M'am, if you move to my side you'll see that I am out at the front."
He was also a fed poster ahead of his time:
When asked once in an interview what he thought of the “Coming war between man and nature” he said “I hope that man doesn’t hesitate to shoot first.”
I mean he's not wrong. Nature's a cold-hearted bitch...