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Ex archaeologist with a speciality in Post Roman up to the Viking Age here. This movie blew me away. The attention to detail, the focus on slavery, the costumes, warfare, relation to their beliefs. All superb, a 10/10 as far as historical epics go. Absolutely zero political messaging that I could see. And it didnt shy away from how brutal life could be. Theres also a small moment where some vikings act horrified and terrified of Christian belief "they worship a corpse nailed to a tree!" Which was a breath of fresh air, usually pagans are depicted as having nothing but disdain for christianity which doesnt hold true considering they would all eventually convert. I would recommend anyone with even a passing interest in the vikings or good story telling.
Theres a lot of references to ritual dances in the Saga's and Christian sources. Old tribal culture was very musical. Harald Hadrada (Hard Ruler) who was the quintessential viking ruler, wrote tons of Poetry and the guy had been a warrior king his whole life and even died on the battlefield. Most northern germanic and Scandinavian sources we have are songs and poems meant to be sung in the mead halls which was the center of their life. So I can fully get behind the dancing in this movie.