I am all for prostitution, I truely think it is a necessary thing for a better society. But Only Fans whores aren't prostitutes or "sex" workers, most are not fucking anyone for money, they just call themselves "sex" workers to feel special.
These Only Fans whores are enabled by the lack of legal prostitution. Legal prostitution would put pretty much put most of them out of business.
Even if there wasn't free porn readily available with a simple internet search, someone could get a much better deal getting a subscription to any porn site of their choice to see many different women instead of just one on Only Fans.
It's less about seeing them naked and more about interacting with them. Most of these girls will spend their whole day pretending to care about some losers on the internet and men are so starved for attention and affection that they fall for it. 49% of men age 18 to 34 are not in a relationship and over 28% of them have never had sex.
I am all for prostitution, I truely think it is a necessary thing for a better society. But Only Fans whores aren't prostitutes or "sex" workers, most are not fucking anyone for money, they just call themselves "sex" workers to feel special.
These Only Fans whores are enabled by the lack of legal prostitution. Legal prostitution would put pretty much put most of them out of business.
Even if there wasn't free porn readily available with a simple internet search, someone could get a much better deal getting a subscription to any porn site of their choice to see many different women instead of just one on Only Fans.
It's less about seeing them naked and more about interacting with them. Most of these girls will spend their whole day pretending to care about some losers on the internet and men are so starved for attention and affection that they fall for it. 49% of men age 18 to 34 are not in a relationship and over 28% of them have never had sex.