She's absolutely monstrous. I think I've only met maybe four or five people that fat in my entire life.
I pity the poor bastards who had lift her 350lb ass out of bed and find a way to carry her out of her house. What a pain in the ass that must have been.
Imagine being in the morgue when they set that mountain on the autopsy table, and you have to go fetch the hamplanet tools.
Life long hamplanet dies at pretty much the exact age you'd expect a life long hamplanet to die at.
She's absolutely monstrous. I think I've only met maybe four or five people that fat in my entire life.
I pity the poor bastards who had lift her 350lb ass out of bed and find a way to carry her out of her house. What a pain in the ass that must have been.
Imagine being in the morgue when they set that mountain on the autopsy table, and you have to go fetch the hamplanet tools.
I pity them more, because I'm guesstimating her weight at closer to 500lbs. Unless she's 4'4", being that wide doesn't come at 350.
I was guessing based on this picture she's a fucking shortass. Note the height of the doors also.
I have female... uh... friend who is 6'0" and 380lbs, and she's built like the leftmost woman. I don't think any of these ladies are over 5'9".