Oh no!... if all of them, so "stunning and brave whamans", the most progressive scum over our western countries... listened to all the "nazis", the "homophobes", the "transphobes" the "racists"... all that bad people that the news told them to hate.
This could be avoided.
But no, they all decided to support the depravity, the degeneracy, the insanity.
Enjoy the fear girls, the suspense of what is coming, the view of "her male genitals" (LMAO), later is gonna be "her uncomfortable erections", then into "her inappropriate touching" and ask yourselves... ¿who is gonna be the first?.
Oh no!... if all of them, so "stunning and brave whamans", the most progressive scum over our western countries... listened to all the "nazis", the "homophobes", the "transphobes" the "racists"... all that bad people that the news told them to hate.
This could be avoided.
But no, they all decided to support the depravity, the degeneracy, the insanity.
Enjoy the fear girls, the suspense of what is coming, the view of "her male genitals" (LMAO), later is gonna be "her uncomfortable erections", then into "her inappropriate touching" and ask yourselves... ¿who is gonna be the first?.
I don't give a fuck.
Would a ciswomyn aborting a tranny's femrape baby qualify as hatespeech?