Know why games have become trash? Corporate communism.
There is absolutely some of that, keeping trash studios afloat when they would previously have been shuttered for poor performance, but there is still truth in his argument.
Lootboxes are bad, and regulation is required. I don't think there's any sane person who thinks capitalism without regulations is a good idea, and gambling, which is what lootboxes are, is one such area that absolutely needs to be regulated to stop people from exploiting addiction.
The 'piecemeal snippets' thing... well, you can blame capitalism if you really want to, but it's ultimately the consumer's fault for being too stupid to stand against it - and they don't even have the argument of addiction to fall back on.
There is absolutely some of that, keeping trash studios afloat when they would previously have been shuttered for poor performance, but there is still truth in his argument.
Lootboxes are bad, and regulation is required. I don't think there's any sane person who thinks capitalism without regulations is a good idea, and gambling, which is what lootboxes are, is one such area that absolutely needs to be regulated to stop people from exploiting addiction.
The 'piecemeal snippets' thing... well, you can blame capitalism if you really want to, but it's ultimately the consumer's fault for being too stupid to stand against it - and they don't even have the argument of addiction to fall back on.