posted ago by TheModernDaVinci ago by TheModernDaVinci +29 / -0

Its been a while since we have had any sort of gaming discussion, and with a new year, I figured it may be fun to see what are the games people are most looking forward to. For me:

Victoria 3: Probably the most hyped I have been for a game in a long time, and so far the dev AAR and diaries have showed that its coming along pretty well, short of some balancing and stability (they have had an issue with the last few games of the AI going full chaos when it wasnt supposed to). But other than that, everything about it has been exactly what I wanted, and looks like it is a pretty major step in a positive direction for Paradox games.

Kerbel Space Program 2: Loved the first game, and it looks like KSP 2 is just going to be more but better.

Elden Ring: Me and everyone else I am sure, but still looks like it could be a very fun time. FromSoftware don't miss, and it looks like it will continue their trend as long as you are willing to git gud.

Frostpunk 2: The original is one of my favorite games of all time, so you better believe I am interest. Unfortunately, not much is known about this one other than it will take place about 30 years after the first game, and that the main conflict will revolve around oil instead of coal.

Two Points Campus: A throwback to the old, silly tycoon games, which I loved growing up. And I enjoyed their other game (Two Points Hospital), so it looks like this one is shaping up to follow the same ideal.