the white nike faggot and rwb shorts are getting in the face of blackshirt/white pants. the short girl goes back and starts yelling something at blackshirt/white pants and then rwb shorts starts throwing haymakers at her from behind
#manlet faggot
*blackshirt/white pants is a girl
*nike faggot grabs the girl before rwb faggot starts punching her from behind
You mean to tell me that if I put lipstick on, I can finally punch women in the face and get away with it?
No wonder there are so many MTF's.
nah, this little known loophole lets you get away with beating up women
That video is really hard to even see what's going on.
the white nike faggot and rwb shorts are getting in the face of blackshirt/white pants. the short girl goes back and starts yelling something at blackshirt/white pants and then rwb shorts starts throwing haymakers at her from behind
#manlet faggot
*blackshirt/white pants is a girl
*nike faggot grabs the girl before rwb faggot starts punching her from behind