IE: A reallllllllllly nasty place:
About the only exciting Zelda news now is whenever Age of Calamity has updates: (which ironically their DLC Wave 2 is more exciting then Wave 1) since now we get to have a certain Yiga Captain! but alas that is 3rd party,. HOWEVER they DIDN'Tt say it's their final DLC so we could see a wave 3 next year.perhaps?
YET Nintendo INSIST on milking Animal Droppings for all it's worth instead of providing updates to their other Zelda titles, including their famed BOTW. Imagine if the LOZ got the Animal Crossing treatment where they keep dropping new stuff!
Selling Animal Crossing bullshit to women, obviously.
Stop buying consoles, they're just computers that do less than a normal computers. As long as you exist within that ecosystem it's all a IP-enforced racket focused on fucking the customer and giving them garbage electronics that are useless without the company that produced it and keeping you buying from them.
I have both. Switch is my secondary advice until the Steam Deck comes out next summer or whenever Q2 of 2022 is! I may sell everything but BOTW as I have horses I love to keep I don't want messed up. I had a few horses die already but can later be revived.