Things collapsing would be nice where I live. My state is inching towards secession anyway and we're low pop and isolated, so it would be pretty cozy. Like a soft return to the 20th century. Localized economy, increased focus on local community, a return to the ideals of America, sign me up.
It has 'collapsed' before and people survived and rebuilt.
Life was pretty unpleasant in many places during the Revolutionary and Civil wars.
Find community. Have some skills that are useful if there is no electricity. Have supplies and ways to get water. Have faith.
Things collapsing would be nice where I live. My state is inching towards secession anyway and we're low pop and isolated, so it would be pretty cozy. Like a soft return to the 20th century. Localized economy, increased focus on local community, a return to the ideals of America, sign me up.