posted ago by Antimediabullshit ago by Antimediabullshit +9 / -6

I personally feel it may be due to several factors why the Switch Online is having it's current mess and dislike's.

1: The ongoing conflict between Taiwan (major chip makers there) and China's tension mounting affecting investigator's confidence). Whenever any war is mentioned investors who invest stock in companies like Nintendo/Sony/Electronic companies will feel the jitters of it much like 1939-1940 war jitters:

I watch my news at China Uncensored and it's not pretty BUT at the same time there is a lot of infighting among the Chinese troops about their views of Xi Jinping which gives me some hope.

2: Japan is still in severe lockdown and the governments around the world are being more tyrannical pushing back opening up yet still say 'It will be over soon' so with that cryptic statement Nintendo CANNOT make long term plans knowing what is planned today can be changed next week entirely! Now many want a FOURTH Booster and no doubt a fifth one soon!

3: Scalping being popular right now I believe Nintendo has illegal inside trading going on with them so if they make a fully functional online Swtich for N64 and possible GC/Wii will no doubt but the scalpers at a HUGE DISadvantage! I believe Nintendo get's extra money from the retro scalpers hence why they are allowed to roam free and Nintendo pretends they are not aware of the recent issues if you type in 'Nintendo scalping' on Youtube or other search engines:

I believe these and **perhaps other factors I haven't yet considered **may be at play here as I don't nor will claim to know how they actually work I just understand how economy supply chains can be affected by uncertainty in the world when you have people doing bad stuff they should NOT be doing!

4: Bold and italics do not work on here when highlighting words. 🤔