posted ago by Antimediabullshit ago by Antimediabullshit +14 / -4

It seems even small forums now you cannot speak out what's happening in AU or anything against woke! One person said he had a problem in Tacoma of police not doing anything about restraining orders asking for advice. He got mostly 'pats on the back' type posts so I suggested he take his own actions and that I didn't meant to be insensitive but he chose to live in a deep blue state where officers cannot do their jobs because of political pressure and officers who think they can shoot their way out of a problem:

Turns out the forum didn't like where I stood and I just mentioned that blue states this is a problem and also AU isn't any better and is being viewed as a role model:

Can't believe stating facts works so many up to a silent ban! I just told them to fucking delete my account and they deserve to get shot and die when the civil war comes as they will be on the wrong end of it.

They definitely WILL be on the wrong end of the shit when it goes flying!