The symptoms that have led to the decision to hospitalize the patient for two months, a minor adolescent with a serious behavioral addiction to the Fortnite video game, included isolation at home, rejection of social interactions with refusal to go to health services, persistent personal inflexibility, scarce interest in their environment and very selective in their tastes and with restrictive activities.
If it wasn't for the mention of death of a relative I'd put it to undiagnosed autism. But then again...
In the case of Fortnite two aspects of its addictive potential stand out: the imposition of deadlines to achieve the challenges of each season and not lose progress, and access to live broadcast platforms that show people playing while they comment on their strategies.
Humor of the title aside, these online games have addiction down to a science. In my personal experience you really see it in gacha games with the constant IV drip of items, super special currency to get new weapons and characters, flashy lights and sound when you "achieve" something. I definitely played games to an unhealthy degree growing up. Couldn't imagine how bad it is for kids who aren't getting the guidance and direction they need from their parents today.
X-post from Kia1. El País is a Spanish-based newspaper.
Yup it's insane. Like I checked out "Raid Shadow Leyends" due to all the memes, and dude it's insane. The game is tailor made for addicts. Everything "rewards" you and it has no end. It even has a timer thing for items, so you need to constantly check it during the day to "maximize" your gains. If I was younger I would have been all over that.
Shamlessly pasting my comment from plebbit Kia2 🤣
From the article...
If it wasn't for the mention of death of a relative I'd put it to undiagnosed autism. But then again...
Humor of the title aside, these online games have addiction down to a science. In my personal experience you really see it in gacha games with the constant IV drip of items, super special currency to get new weapons and characters, flashy lights and sound when you "achieve" something. I definitely played games to an unhealthy degree growing up. Couldn't imagine how bad it is for kids who aren't getting the guidance and direction they need from their parents today.
X-post from Kia1. El País is a Spanish-based newspaper.
Yup it's insane. Like I checked out "Raid Shadow Leyends" due to all the memes, and dude it's insane. The game is tailor made for addicts. Everything "rewards" you and it has no end. It even has a timer thing for items, so you need to constantly check it during the day to "maximize" your gains. If I was younger I would have been all over that.
relevant: (viva la dirt leagues epic npc man)