The unvaccinated shouldn't be treated because they chose to be unvaccinated.
Well, let's follow this to the logical conclusion.
Fuck the obese, smokers, addicts and alcoholics. You made the wrong choice. No healthcare for you.
You too, pregnant women, your choice isn't my problem. Should have thought about the burden on companies that your decision is. Get rid of maternity leave. Not our problem, just like being unvaccinated.
All cosmetic procedures including tranny shit are a waste of hospital space.
This is where the unvaccinated healthcare argument should go. Especially pregnancy. Attack the ruling class and their ridiculous "we need months off work and you need to pay for it" racket.
It works even better in countries where healthcare is socialized, because you can throw in women's other choices that everyone has to pay for.
No prizes for guessing what class of people is famous for psychological manipulation using compassion.
Why nobody has made the correlation that leftism = corporatism = conformity.
Corporations can make leftists dance to their tune at any time because the typical leftist has been primed by decades of a leftist education and media system that convinces them if they follow their tune, they're both on the right side of history and are unique, brave individuals.
Of course, nobody sees the irony of millions of people taking their cues from massive multinational corporations as being a statement of individuality, but that's leftist thinking in general. Conform to the non-conformity of society.