So, basically, you think it is completely fine if I use these people, like Kevin Spacey, John Lassater, and many, many more who are way more famous than these people to represent all whites as pedos?
Thank you for confirming that!
If it wasn't enough that you stormcucks actually support pedophilia and refuse to denounce pedos... This is the confirmation I needed.
I'm squirming? Please look in the mirror, since that is all you could say as a response to the whole point that I could use your logic and label you a pedo using your method.
Because you are taking one small part, which is proportional to the population in existence, as some sort of evidence that it is overwhelming.
Wouldn't it be interesting if I made the same claim about whites using the same method?
For instance:
Todd Nickerson, white -
And it would be wrong if I did, and it is wrong when you do it.
Comment Removed: Rule 16 - Identity Attacks
So, basically, you think it is completely fine if I use these people, like Kevin Spacey, John Lassater, and many, many more who are way more famous than these people to represent all whites as pedos?
Thank you for confirming that!
If it wasn't enough that you stormcucks actually support pedophilia and refuse to denounce pedos... This is the confirmation I needed.
Hahahahah, look at the Jew squirm.
I'm squirming? Please look in the mirror, since that is all you could say as a response to the whole point that I could use your logic and label you a pedo using your method.
Seethe and cope.
Denounce the white pedos, or shut up.