Ehh, he's doing the "death of whiteness" rather than the "death of whites" thing here ... but that runs headlong into other bits of this. Cultural appropriation is bad, so what, then for white people? Just surrender their culture entirely and live on as cultureless voids, mere serfs to be exploited by every other civilisation out there? (and to be honest, if "white people" - oh how I hate how reductive that is - do pull a Sweden and pretend they don't even have a culture, they'd deserve it)
Ehh, he's doing the "death of whiteness" rather than the "death of whites" thing here ... but that runs headlong into other bits of this. Cultural appropriation is bad, so what, then for white people? Just surrender their culture entirely and live on as cultureless voids, mere serfs to be exploited by every other civilisation out there? (and to be honest, if "white people" - oh how I hate how reductive that is - do pull a Sweden and pretend they don't even have a culture, they'd deserve it)
Just let the race cucks have their bit.
They have to blame everyone but themselves for the state of the world, even though the 19th and everything that followed is 100% their fault.
You really are just an obvious shill huh?
I just believe in placing the blame on the retards who said "let women vote to stop the n****rs."