Yeah, but the flipside isn't just being a ho and littering babies wherever you tour, in cultures with multiple wives/mothers you are still supposed to live with and provide for them.
That’s a Eurocentric concept when you think about the ideas of ‘you’re supposed to have this one person for the rest of your life.’ And really that’s just to classify property when you think about it. I mean if we go into that mindset, if we really talking that talk. Like, just the idea that a man should have one woman—we shouldn’t have anything. I have no ownership over this person.
He's got some pretty fucked up views of relationships if this is something he actually believes.
Yeah, but the flipside isn't just being a ho and littering babies wherever you tour, in cultures with multiple wives/mothers you are still supposed to live with and provide for them.
He's got some pretty fucked up views of relationships if this is something he actually believes.
He is a certifiable crazy person.