Trying to find the image of a FTM who came face-to-face with reality that being a dude fucking sucks and how they're experiencing stuff like getting rejected, not being complimented, etc. If anyone has it saved, please send me the link.
Edit: Found it, it's this one:
It's funny. Men KNOW they do not understand women, but for some reason, women think they understand man.
They don't.
I've seen this for years about women being "solipsistic". I don't think that's what's going on, rather they are like children, in the sense that children think their needs should just be magically met. "Needs" becomes "getting her way" as an adult and trying to get people to do it, by hook or by crook, and rationalizing (pathologizing as you say) when she doesn't get it. A sort of child like narcissism. She knows you exist, she just doesn't think it's (as) important. There's more of an evil to that too, not seeing the value in others and their feelings. It's like Florence Nightingale said "Women have no sympathy".