A recent article in the New Yorker chronicled an experiment in Germany, funded by the German Senate, in the 1960's-2000's (maybe later). The thesis, laid out by a Marxist Sexologist in Germany named Helmut Kentler, was that by getting rid of strong men, and thus strong fathers, it would not only prevent harm from these strong fathers (as Kentler was more or less ignored and physically abused by his own father), but it would also prevent a rise of strong ideologies like Nazism as it would make them more open to "total inclusivity." So he did this by placing young boys from foster care into the care of gay, pedophile men who would "teach" them, arguing that (and this is a DIRECT quote) "Sexual Liberation will prevent another Auschwitz". He submitted the results of his experiment to the German Senate in 1988, declaring it a "total success." Did I mention Kentler himself was also a Pedo who partook in his own experiment.
The AFD took up the cause of one of the now adults who were the victims of this experiment and are trying to get the German government to give justice and reparations to these people they abused. The majority of the rest of the German government is more or less saying "AFD=Nazis. Fuck off Nazis!"
To quote Carls co-host, "Most peoples reactions, you sick fuck, is that they will build one [concentration camp] for you."
To be fair, that particular quote was in the context of responding to the "Sexual Liberation will prevent another Auschwitz" part. So when he was talking about "Concentration Camp for Pedos", he was talking about the Death Camp ones.
A recent article in the New Yorker chronicled an experiment in Germany, funded by the German Senate, in the 1960's-2000's (maybe later). The thesis, laid out by a Marxist Sexologist in Germany named Helmut Kentler, was that by getting rid of strong men, and thus strong fathers, it would not only prevent harm from these strong fathers (as Kentler was more or less ignored and physically abused by his own father), but it would also prevent a rise of strong ideologies like Nazism as it would make them more open to "total inclusivity." So he did this by placing young boys from foster care into the care of gay, pedophile men who would "teach" them, arguing that (and this is a DIRECT quote) "Sexual Liberation will prevent another Auschwitz". He submitted the results of his experiment to the German Senate in 1988, declaring it a "total success." Did I mention Kentler himself was also a Pedo who partook in his own experiment.
The AFD took up the cause of one of the now adults who were the victims of this experiment and are trying to get the German government to give justice and reparations to these people they abused. The majority of the rest of the German government is more or less saying "AFD=Nazis. Fuck off Nazis!"
To quote Carls co-host, "Most peoples reactions, you sick fuck, is that they will build one [concentration camp] for you."
Why bother with a labor camp? We know what he deserves, and there's no point delaying it.
To be fair, that particular quote was in the context of responding to the "Sexual Liberation will prevent another Auschwitz" part. So when he was talking about "Concentration Camp for Pedos", he was talking about the Death Camp ones.