These dark skinned early people laid down the foundation for human culture. Considering the short life span of our early ancestors, these original innovators were probably also very young. No one who follows artistic trends will be surprised to learn that, from the beginning, human culture was essentially invented by teenagers. And by culture I don’t just mean the arts, I mean the whole shebang. --- Those Young Black men shooting up America are their heirs of course, how dare you think otherwise. Out of Africa is not the same thing as out of Africans either.
These dark skinned early people laid down the foundation for human culture. Considering the short life span of our early ancestors, these original innovators were probably also very young. No one who follows artistic trends will be surprised to learn that, from the beginning, human culture was essentially invented by teenagers. And by culture I don’t just mean the arts, I mean the whole shebang. --- Those Young Black men shooting up America are their heirs of course, how dare you think otherwise. Out of Africa is not the same thing as out of Africans either.