As regressive leftist ideologies have roots that go as far back a century to the neo-Marxist concept of critical theory, I was wondering about early examples of regressive leftist bullshit.
The earliest manifestation of the early regressive left I can think of was with late 80's-90's third wave feminism, with notable victims in the games industry including the Leisure Suit Larry series and Duke Nukem 3D, which in the case of Duke 3D likely cost 3DRealms sales.
Some other examples include the Resident Evil 5 black enemy drama, the false claims of ableism against Derpy Hooves, the Penny Arcade dickwolves drama, early ComicsGate, and the takeover and subsequent destruction of the atheist community by the Regressive Left.
Can you suggest any others I did not cover?
1793, during the French Revolution, and the first founding of leftism.
Leftism was never good. https:// en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Girondins https:// en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Left–right_political_spectrum
31 Oct 2020 06:22:26 UTC https:// www. firstthings. com/article/2020/10/suicide-of-the-liberals
+by Gary Saul Morson October 2020
"Regressive" progressives: The American Progressive era eugenics programs. Imported to Germany later on and adopted by the National Socialist German Worker's Party, Nazis. http:// www. wsj. com/articles/the-progressive-history-of-eugenics-1456521508