Embrace the clown.
UK’s Pro Immigration and Pro Muslim party attacks Boris as too Pro Immigration. ? ?
posted by SophiesBoyfriend
https://archive.ph/uzMfz https:// alexeiarora. substack. com/p/how-uk-labour-lost-the-working-class
8 May 2021 19:40:10 UTC
How UK Labour Lost the Working-Class
By taking for granted its Working-Class voters, Labour migrated towards young, educated & Professional-Class voters. As its new voter-base became repulsed by the old, the Tories picked up the Red Wall
Alexei Arora May 7
So what did Starmer do? He returned to unpopular Blairite economics by promising fiscal restraint (yes, a center-left party promising this as the center-right party engages in deficit spending), while walking a tightrope between supporting British patriotism (which had been taboo under Corbyn) and supporting radical liberal groups like Black Lives Matter. By half-heartedly pandering to moderates and progressives, while showing signs of abandoning popular economic policies, it is no wonder that Starmer (who was a key proponent of the second referendum) has been falling in approval ratings even as Coronavirus ravaged Britain.
The Labour Party is no longer the party of the working-class. It must first accept this fact before it charts out a path forward. Currently, Labour’s voter base consists of socially liberal, college-educated and professional-class urban voters who hate their country. They consider themselves global citizens rather than British citizens; their cultural policies are at odds with lower and middle-class Brits, and their economic policies assert their class dominance while at best throwing crumbs at workers.
Blue Labour —a Labour party pressure group which is culturally conservative and economically socialist— has a chance of making significant inroads into the party, should it choose to. Currently its institutional support is weak, and it only has one Lord (Maurice Glasman) who supports this vision.
Any “Blue Labour” is just going to tell you what you want then go hard female supremacist.
Talk is cheap, promises are cheaper. Will they throw out the many feminist MPs or not?